About Me
Welcome to my blog space. I am a computer scientist. I love computer graphics, Rust and analog electronics. I am also a music & synth lover.
Academic Background
I was graduated from the ENSIMAG in 2017 (a french engineering school specialized in Computer Science & Applied Mathematics). After that I joined the Astronomical Observatory of Strasbourg in 2018 where I contributed to the astropy project and Aladin Lite.
I worked for 2 years on Aladin Lite, a web sky viewer designed for astronomers and amateurs. I wrote a new graphical engine for it using Rust and WebGL2. Test it here (with WebGL2 experimental feature enabled in your browser).
From April 2021 I am looking for a new R&D job. My main interests are focused on algorithms, data structures, computer graphics, Maths and Rust (of course!).
These are publications I appear on from my past job at the Astronomical Observatory of Strasbourg:
Ginsburg, A., Sipocz, B., Parikh, M., Woillez, J., Groener, A., Liedtke, S., Brasseur, C., Robitaille, T., Jcsegovia, Deil, C., Norman, H., De Val-Borro, M., Tollerud, E., Persson, M., Baumann, M., Adamginsburg, Mesh, C., Kelley, M., Séguin-Charbonneau, L., Collom, D., Armstrong, C., Mommert, M., Morris, B., Mirocha, J., Conseil, S., Lim, P., Cardenzana, J., Guzman, G., Lockhart, K., & Yadav, A.. (2018). astropy/astroquery: v0.3.9 release.
Baumann, M., & Boch, T. (2019). New Python Developments to Access CDS Services. In Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVII (pp. 253).
Boch, T., Fernique, P., Bonnarel, F., Chaitra, C., Bot, C., Pineau, F.X., Baumann, M., & Michel, L. (2020). HiPS2FITS: Fast Generation of FITS Cutouts From HiPS Image Datasets. In Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series (pp. 121).
Fernique, P., Durand, D., Nebot, A., Boch, T., Pineau, F.X., & Baumann, M. (2020). Connecting Space and Time in a Multi-Messenger Landscape: STMOC Behind the Scene. In Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series (pp. 57).
Baumann, M., Boch, T., Fernique, P., Nebot, A., & Pineau, F.X. (2020). Space and Time Coverage Maps in MOCPy. In Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series (pp. 693).